Navigation and IA

We make information on your website easier to find.

Your website visitors will find information easier and faster after we improve your Information Architecture (IA)

We've improved sales for our clients just from IA improvements alone, using card sorting and tree testing.

  • two women in UX agency in Sydney

    What we do

    We make it easier and faster for your visitors to find information on your website. We specialise in improving the IA of large organisations such as the business and finance sectors

    We start by listening to your problem and we get to know your goals. We then learn about the characteristics of your ideal website visitors.

  • two women in UX agency in Sydney

    How we do it

    We use best practice IA techniques such as card sorting and tree testing.

    We can take care of all aspects of organising this testing so that you have more time to focus on your business.

  • a photo of a hand using a computer and a woman writing for a UX agency in Sydney

    What we’ve done

    We've improved the IA for:

    • an award winning business school (MGSM) as part of a website rebuild project
    • a prestigious applied finance school (MAFC) as part of a website transformation project
    • See more case studies.

More services to improve your 
user experience

We've improved the navigation for: